Experiencing the Beauty Within, Sept 18 - Oct 12


Four weekly 75 min sessions suitable for beginners with no prior experience.  These sessions will provide an introduction to mindfulness concepts and practices to reconnect with your body and emotions, guided meditations to enhance focus, promote relaxation and foster emotional resilience and self-compassion. This practice is completely secular and inclusive, compatible with any religious faith or lack thereof, and is taught in the Insight Meditation Tradition. Offered Freely at No Cost as my Teaching Practicum.

Schedule & Registration

Two sections will be offered each week both online. You can attend either one as it best suits your schedule.
  • Wednesday Evenings beginning Sept 18, 6:30 – 7:45 pm
  • Saturday Mornings beginning Sept 21, 10:30 – 11:45 am
To register contact me by email with which section you want to attend or click one of the buttons to register or download my flyer for more details.

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